Monday, January 9, 2012

RAM Selection

“IF 1000 People wants to run altogether freely in a Haphazard Way they need 10 football grounds of space.” Same is the case with RAM, the more it is the better is the system’s speed and performance. 

RAM (Random Access Memory) is the memory available for use by programmes on a computer. 

The RAM chip comes in capacities of 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB and even 4 GB and higher. Today most computers function efficiently with 2 GB RAM, though 8 GB RAM does offer you an edge. 

There are two memory slots for RAM in your motherboard. It is always advised to go for two equal RAM in both the slots. 

The memory technologies in use are DDR RAM, DDR II RAM, DDR III RAM, and SD RAM. Latest is 1666 MHZ DDR3 RAM

Check Before You Buy 

1. RAM also has a cloak frequency at which it works, today 1333 MHZ DDR3 RAM are very popular. I suggest you should go for 1666MHZ because the difference in cost is very less. 

2. Make sure that your motherboard supports the RAM you are purchasing. 

3. As a thumb rule, always go in for a minimum of 1-card 2 GB RAM. Later on you can easily add another 2 / 4 GB. 

Cosair 4 GB RAM cost you around Rs 1500 – Rs 2000

Other good RAM manufacturers are Transcend and  Kingston

As I always say, " The more you spend on your girlfriend the better it is".

1 comment:

  1. The information is good but needs updating in the resent scenario. I hope you will look into this aspect. Thanks


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