Monday, January 9, 2012

Hard Disk Selection

Hard Disk capacity counts for a great deal for you daily needs.
A 500 GB hard disk is sufficient disk space but you may choose an 1 TB variant.
The brand SEAGATE is a very reliable brand for hard disks and is preferred by most computer manufacturers and assemblers. The hard disk comes with a three-year warranty. 

If you want to save movies, videos, Games and other big files go for 1 TB Hard Disk. 

Hard Disks comes with 7200 rpm and 4800 rpm, if money is not a constrain go for 7200 rpm hard disk.

Hard Disk does not effect system performance normally, but if you have less than 10% space available in your hard disk, then disaster is not far away.

You always have an option to add 2 more hard disk to your computer, or use external hard disk for larger use.

Check Point : Don't allocate high budget to your Hard Disk while buying computer, this can be upgraded and added anytime you want.

Seagate / Transcend 500 GB hard disk costs around Rs 4000- Rs 5000

As I always say, " The more you spend on your girlfriend the better it is".

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